When considering a destination for study abroad, New Zealand stands out due to its remarkable landscape and high quality of living.

From majestic snow-covered mountains and lovely beaches to vast forests and awe-inspiring national parks like Milford Sound and The Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand is filled with beautiful scenery.

What’s more, New Zealand is an attractive choice for international students seeking work opportunities after or during their studies. With a robust economy, there are lots of available positions in sectors like healthcare, engineering, IT, and construction.

Why New Zealand Is The Perfect Place To Further Your Studies And Career

Therefore, if you desire new adventures and a chance to further your career, applying for a New Zealand study visa may be the right choice for you. 

Top 5 Reasons For New Zealand Study Visa

Studying in New Zealand is an amazing opportunity that brings with it a range of exciting experiences and benefits. Here are five of the top reasons why you should consider coming to this beautiful country to pursue your studies: 

1. Unique natural environment – New Zealand offers some of the world’s most breathtaking scenery and landscapes, and there’s no better way to explore them than through studying here.

2. Safety and security – New Zealand is ranked among the safest places in the world and students can feel relaxed as they take in all the natural beauty around them.

3. Quality education system – With high academic standards, flexible study options, excellent courses and research opportunities, New Zealand has something for everyone who wants to learn more about any subject area. 

4. Rich cultural heritage – Discover Maori culture or experience traditional Kiwi customs like barbecues at local parks – studying in New Zealand means becoming immersed not only in education but also in a vibrant culture you won’t find anywhere else in the world. 

5. Multiculturalism – Students will enjoy meeting people from other countries who may have different perspectives on things than they do –a great chance to learn more about yourself while learning valuable global perspectives through conversation and travel!

Top Universities And Colleges In New Zealand

New Zealand is a country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is made up of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, and several smaller islands. The country has a population of just over 4 million people.  New Zealand is a developed country and ranks highly in international comparisons of national performance, such as health, education, economic freedom, and quality of life. The country also ranks highly in global peace and security. New Zealand’s education system is world-class and the country is home to some of the best universities and colleges in the world. Check the list of top colleges and universities below:

Number Of Students Studying In New Zealand 

New Zealand is increasingly becoming a popular study destination for international students, due to its high-quality education system, welcoming culture and post-study work/immigration opportunities. As of 2021-2022 statistics, the country welcomed almost 20 thousand international students (19,910) amongst a total number of 397,785.  It’s clear that New Zealand offers a great learning environment and value for money.

Students Statics In Top 6 Universities In New Zealand
University of AucklandTotal Students – 15,245
International Students – 10,438
University of CanterburyTotal Students – 33,093
International Students – 3,426
University Of OtagoTotal Students – 18,508
International Students – 3,498
Massey UniversityTotal Students – 17,883
International Students – 5,444
Victoria University Of WellingtonTotal Students – 18,570
International Students – 3,512
Auckland University Of TechnologyTotal Students – 18,837
International Students 9,208

Courses To Choose In New Zealand For Indian Students

For Indian students interested in studying abroad in New Zealand, there is a range of exciting courses on offer. From Animation and Engineering to Medicine, Business Studies and Engineering Forestry, potential students can find the perfect program that meets their interests and career goals. Those interested in hospitality or IT and Computer Science as well as Agriculture can also explore numerous options available in New Zealand. We wish you all the best on your journey to finding the right course for you!

Job Opportunities For Indian Student In New Zealand

International students are able to take on part-time jobs, up to 20 hours a week, to support themselves financially and gain valuable work experience. It’s important for them to follow their visa requirements and ensure that their studies don’t suffer as a result of working. However, during holidays and breaks, they’re allowed to work full-time if they wish! Additionally, they should be aware that some jobs may risk their health or safety and understand that being self-employed or engaging in business activities is not allowed while on a student visa.

Number Of Students Working In New Zealand While Studying

According to the latest data from Immigration New Zealand, there were 27,425 student visa holders who had work rights and were employed in New Zealand as of August 2021. This represents an increase of 4.4% compared to the same time period in 2020. It’s worth noting that this figure only includes students who hold a visa that allows them to work in New Zealand while studying.


Britcan Overseas is a top-notch visa consultancy in Chandigarh. We specialize in providing guidance, support, and expertise to individuals throughout the entire visa application process. Our consultants have extensive knowledge of the application criteria and are well-versed in how to fill out forms for accuracy and completeness, as well as mitigating delays that could arise when applying for a visa independently. With us by your side, applying for a visa will be easier than ever before. Make sure to consider Britcan Overseas when applying for a New Zealand Study Visa.

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